UK & Germany

Soccer & Siteseeing UK & Germany

8 Nights
Adventurous, Quaint, Cultural
Immerse yourself in the culture and beauty of UK cities ending in Munich with plenty of siteseeing and soccer matches to satisfy your appetite.
Impero Travel
London: 2 nights
DAY 1 London: Arrival


  • Arrive in England’s grand capital and check into your hotel.
  • Explore this monumental city and enjoy a pub meal to cure the jetlag.

DAY 2 London: Siteseeing tour

Siteseeing tour

  • Guided tour of top London attractions such as Big Ben and Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral. Watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, and visit the Tower of London.
  • Thames River sightseeing cruise.

Manchester: 1 night
DAY 3 Manchester: Manchester soccer match

Manchester soccer match

  • Train to Manchester.
  • Check in to your hotel and catch an afternoon home game to see Manchester City or Manchester United in action.

Edinburgh: 2 nights
DAY 4 Edinburgh: Transfer


  • Free morning in Manchester with an afternoon train to Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Explore the historic centre, getting lost in the cobblestone streets and cosy pubs with live music.

DAY 4 Edinburgh: Guided tour

Guided tour

  • Walking tour of the famous landmarks and hidden secrets in Edinburgh with your knowledgable guide. Visit the magnificent Edinburgh Castle, St. Giles’ Cathedral, and the National Galleries of Scotland.

Munich: 2 nights
DAY 6 Munich: Bavarian beer

Bavarian beer

  • Fly to Munich.
  • Experience a true Bavarian beer hall at Hofbräuhaus, one of the world’s most famous beer halls. Enjoy traditional beer, hearty food, and live music in an historical atmosphere.

DAY 7 Munich: Bavarian Heritage Tour

Bavarian Heritage Tour

  • Guided tour starting at Marienplatz covering the famous Glockenspiel and other important landmarks.
  • Explore the Residenz Palace for a glimpse into Bavaria’s royal past.

DAY 8 Munich: Soccer match

Soccer match

  • Catch an evening match to see FC Bayern Munich or TSV 1860 Munich in action at home.

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